The Clear Take on Water and Wastewater Today

The key to long-term partnerships.

Chad MeyerYou’ve read about our long-term partnerships with our customers. It’s an obvious point of pride and something we never take for granted. A recent statistic I saw was that less than one third of partnerships go beyond five years. That’s across all categories and our industry has more staying power than most, but we enjoy partnerships of more than ten, 15, even 20 years and here is why: We honor the faith and trust that our customers put in us. It’s no small responsibility assuring safe and clean water and wastewater. We also honor the expertise our customers bring to the table. We openly work with city leadership and engineers and often hire the staff that was working on the systems before we were hired. And we’re honest and transparent. That’s easier to believe when demonstrated, but we are, and our long-term relationships are proof of that. We always tell our customers where we are with finances and repairs and when we need to course correct. They tell me this is one of the things they appreciate about us most. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Bottomline: when you partner with PeopleService, you gain a team that walks beside you on your quest to make your community the very best it can be. I’d love to give you a few of our many examples of how we operate. Contact me anytime.

How are we doing?

Simply click this link and let us know what’s good, what’s okay and what needs some work. I’ll respond to you personally. Thank you!

Chad Meyer
PeopleService Inc.