Reporting to You
Real-time Analytics Customized for You
We know that getting the full picture on water/wastewater operations and management is hugely important to all of our clients. That’s why we have the most up-to-date analytics systems that operate in real time. It’s how we report through a timely and transparent approach. From the moment we start to work with you we’re constantly assessing operations. Our initial assessments often lead to improvements in treatment, quality of services – and lowered costs. Working across over 180 communities in Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and Missouri, means we can pool our knowledge to always find improvements. We also know that up-to-date maintenance and improvements need to be recorded and reported on to you. We use a customized electronic maintenance program to both schedule maintenance work orders for completion and create a history of completed maintenance with all the records available to you.
Contact Chris McMillen to find out how your community can benefit from what we provide.