The Clear Take on Water and Wastewater Today

More Than Meets the Eye

Chad MeyerIf you are one of our customers reading this, you know that the operators who manage the plants in your community can be identified by our logo on their shirts, hats and vehicles. You see them in the grocery store, the gas station, local eatery and more. That’s because our operators must live within 30 minutes of the plants they maintain and manage and they like it this way. They truly enjoy being part of the community – the place where they raise their children, attend church, coach teams and in many cases, volunteer with the fire department. Because we partner with communities to manage, operate and maintain water and wastewater systems, we can be thought of as an extension of the city management team – just like city administrators and engineers – with equivalent depth of expertise. Their licenses denote their expertise in water/wastewater work including the math and science involved in the profession. They work with chemicals, computations and computers every day. In short, what is packed into one PeopleService operator is a lot and a great benefit to communities. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Contact me anytime to talk about the Power of PeopleService.

How are we doing?

Simply click this link and let us know what’s good, what’s okay and what needs some work. I’ll respond to you personally. Thank you!

Chad Meyer
PeopleService Inc.