Warsaw, Missouri

Population: 2500
Employees: 4


Operations, maintenance and management of water plant and distribution system;
Operations, maintenance and management of wastewater plant and collection system

Description of Facilities:

The water system consists of two wells that are chlorinated and fluoridated, (1) 500,000 gallon standpipe, (1) 200,000 gallon elevated water tower and the distribution system. The wastewater system consists of a 0.370 MGD SBR plant with aerobic digestion, (2) cell lagoon system used for equalization, UV disinfection, five lift stations, and the collection system.


  • Maintaining qualified & professional staff
  • Budgetary control
  • Inventory control
  • City growth
  • Maintenance of distribution & collection system


  • Maintain qualified and professional staff
  • Evaluated inventory and only stock necessary parts
  • Worked with city staff to audit water ordinances and increased revenue by $10,000 per month
  • Staff completing work orders and new service connections in a timely manner
  • Implemented computer asset management program
  • Assisted with water master plan
  • Currently implementing a preventative sewer jetting program
  • Currently implementing a valve exercising program
  • Assisted with public education program to prevent damage to the WWTP

Project Summary:

This project began in November 2013. Warsaw is located at the beginning of the Ozarks in central Missouri on the Truman Reservoir. The city has two wells with chlorination and fluoridation and an SBR WWTF. Warsaw was in need of a water and wastewater superintendent and hired PeopleService to manage its water and wastewater systems. The city is facing several issues as a result of an aging infrastructure that is limiting its ability to grow. Warsaw was also facing several budgetary issues due to declining revenues. PeopleServcie helped the city review its water and wastewater ordinances and have actually increased revenues. A valve turning and preventative sewer jetting program are being implemented and we are assisting the city with its water master plan to facilitate growth. Warsaw was also experiencing severe I & I issues and plugging issues at the WWTP due to people flushing baby wipes and other items that should be thrown away instead. PeopleService is working with the city to implement an I & I reduction strategy. We have worked with the city to educate the public about what can and cannot be flushed into the collection system.

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We offer maintenance, prevention and corrective solutions.

More than 30 years providing

  • Management
  • Operations
  • Maintenance

For water/wastewater systems.