Dodge Center, Minnesota
Population: 2670
Employees: 1.5
Operations, Maintenance & Management of Wastewater Treatment plant, and Collection system
Description of Facilities:
0.973 MGD oxidation ditch activated sludge facility; 4 lift stations.
- Collection system upgrades
- Infiltration – Inflow issues
- Working with Engineer and Construction companies on collection system upgrades and lift station additions
- Collection system cleaning, and complaints
- Helped settle differences between City and Construction company
- Collection system cleaning program
- Using a maintenance program to keep facility operating for over twenty years
Project Summary:
We started this project in 1990 taking care of the collection system, 2 lift stations and a 0.973 MGD Class “B” oxidation ditch activated sludge process with chlorination/dechlorination. The waste activated sludge is aerobically treated and land applied to MPCA approved sites. In 2001 and 2011 new lift stations were added to the collection system bringing the total to 4 lift stations.