Arlington, Minnesota
Population: 2,244
Employees: 2 Full – 1 Temp.
Operations, maintenance and management of wastewater facility.
Description of Facilities:
Bio-P Removal Facility with an Average Dry Weather flow of .304 MGD, 3 screw lift pumps, mechanical bar screen, aqua wash press unit, grit removal, 1 anaerobic basin, 1 anoxic basin, 5 aeration basins, ferric chloride injection mixer, 3 final clarifiers, disinfection, gravity thickener, 2 stabilization storage tanks, 2 bio-solid storage tanks, and a bio-solid load out station.
- Seneca Foods canning facility
- Regional Hospital
- Wastewater from Green Isle must be pumped through 6+ miles of force main
- Older collection system with high I&I
- Digester conversion from anaerobic digestion to aerobic stabilization
- Lift station upgrades
- Treatment plant upgrade to a Bio-P Process Facility
Project Summary:
PeopleService has been operating the Arlington Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities since 2007. The water system in the city of Arlington consists of pre-aeration, permanganate addition, a 3 cell detention tank, a 4 cell sand filter, a 90,000 gallon clear well, chlorine and fluoride addition, a 300,000 gallon water tower, 2 wells and a distribution system of 1,200 service connections with 180 fire hydrants. PeopleService is also in charge of all water meter replacement and service. PeopleService has been operating the Green Isle Water Treatment Facility since 2011. The water system in the City of Green Isle consists of pre-treatment addition of tonkasorb, a 3 cell pressurized sand filter unit, chlorine and fluoride addition, 100,000 gallon water tower, 2 wells and a distribution system of 280 service connections with 80 fire hydrants. The city of Arlington has an agreement to treat the wastewater from the city of Green Isle. PeopleService takes care of all the collection system for both communities, which includes 1,306 service connections, 6 lift stations, over 38 miles of sewer main and over 6 miles of force main. PeopleService has implemented a sewer jetting and manhole inspection plan which has helped reduced back ups and identified potential problem areas. The wastewater facility was recently upgraded to a Bio-P Removal System. Plant upgrades included new motors and gear reducers for the 3 screw pumps, bar screen rebuild and an aqua wash press unit installed. The upgrade also included, 3 new aeration basins, 1 new clarifier, replacement of 3 blowers, total replacement of the aeration system, and replacement of 3 RAS/WAS pumps and the adding of 2 new RAS/WAS pumps. A ferric chloride system was added along with a building to house the storage tank and the pumping system for the ferric chloride. Two rotary lobe pumps were replaced. The chlorine contact tank had new baffles installed and a new booster pumping unit was put in along with a new chlorine and So2 injection system. A second bio-solid storage tank was constructed along with a new load-out station. A new generator was installed along with all new electrical equipment. A SCADA System was installed along with many new controls. PeopleService is also responsible for service and maintenance of the 11 generators located in the two cities. Seneca Foods operates a canning plant in Arlington from June through October, which raises CBOD’s and phosphorous loading of the wastewater stream. Through adjustments of processes, staff is able to achieve all permit limits.